By Sharon Toth
The Bulletin
The New Year is here!
Have you made your New Year’s resolutions?
After indulging over the holiday season in some areas, many think about trying to make up for it by highlighting their health for the new year. That usually means trying to eat healthier and starting or restarting an exercise program.
Memberships at fitness centers or gyms usually soar during the first quarter of the year, as we prepare to get in shape for the summer, the beach, cruises or other vacations, or wherever and whatever warm weather plans call for after shedding our coats and jackets - and, hopefully, some pounds, too.
While there’s numerous private gyms in the area, there’s also recreation center gyms or weight rooms in some cities. The senior programs often offer fitness programs centered around this age group.
Lake Jackson will offer the Area Agency on Aging approved program developed by the American Arthritis Foundation. It goes on for 10 weeks on Wednesdays, starting Jan. 10 and running through March 13, from 10 to 11 a.m. Participants do not need to have arthritis, but for those who do, the goal is reduced pain, inflammation and stiffness. It also is to improve health and quality of life for all class members.
Yoga is a popular class for those who don’t want to push themselves too much but help their flexibility.
Lake Jackson’s Civic Center Fun-Timers offer yoga usually every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 8:15 a.m. at the Doris Williams Civic Center with classes led by Tommi Fukumoto and Keri Deatrick.
Lake Jackson offers gentle yoga, performed at a slower pace and includes more warm-up movements and postures held for longer.
There’s also chair yoga; it’s practiced while seated or using a chair for balance. It allows people with mobility limitations to enjoy the benefits of yoga and is slower paced than regular yoga. The chair is used as support, which is good for those with balance issues. There is a stronger emphasis on stretching and low-impact movements.
Angleton Recreation Center also has yoga classes weekly.
Angleton’s new programs open up Jan. 4 at 5 a.m. for the next quarter’s registration. For more information about area senior fitness classes, contact your local senior program.
For the other monthly special activities and events, here’s a round-up for Angleton and Lake Jackson. These programs are open for ages 55 plus.
January fun in Angleton includes a Lunch Bunch trip to Joe’s Barbecue in Alvin on Friday, Jan. 19. Transportation is free, just pay for your meal, but register online or at Angleton Recreation Center.
On Thursday, Jan. 25, there’s a Lunch & Learn with educational information presented by the Brazoria County Sheriff’s Department at 11 a.m. and a pasta lunch. Please register in advance.
A potluck lunch will be held on Friday, Jan. 26, at 11 a.m. at the ARC, so bring a dish to share and enjoy each other’s good cooking or baking.
Travel with the Silver Heart members to the San Jacinto Monument and Museum and tour the observation deck and museum. Watch an informative film, then head to the bus for a private tour. Enjoy lunch afterward at the famed Monument Inn. The trip is from 7:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. and is $15 plus the cost of your lunch.
Register in advance for the Lunch & Learn to be held Thursday, Feb. 1, at 11 a.m. and learn about the ARC weight room’s equipment and enjoy a stuffed baked potato.
Tuesdays are a special day for Silver Hearts members, since the day begins with breakfast at 9 a.m., then there’s craft/games/social time, and the day ends with bingo. On the last Tuesday of the month, there’s also a hot-dog lunch, and it’s all free. On the 3rd Tuesday of the month, play bunco at 9:30 a.m., but please register since 12 members are needed for each set.
To register, or for more information, call Vicki Chelette at (979) 849-4364, ext 4110.
Lake Jackson’s Lunch Bunch will head to the Barbecue Inn in Houston on Thursday, Jan. 11. The registered group will leave at 9:30 a.m. from the Doris Williams Civic Center, and the cost is $10 per person plus the cost of your lunch.
On Tuesday, Jan. 23, there will be information at 5 p.m. about the Area Agency on Aging programs. Bingo will begin at 6 p.m.
Civic Center Fun Timers Mini Trip will be on Thursday, Jan. 25, leaving the civic center at 9:30 a.m. to visit Newman’s Castle. Travelers are invited to enjoy the old-world charm of the castle, a one-of-a-kind custom creation, which is situated outside of Bellville, Texas. It has a working drawbridge, a chapel, a moat, five round-corner turrets and other unique features.
The cost is $15 per person, and space is limited, so register early.
Some of the regular activities include a 42 dominos tournament on Monday, Jan. 8, card making on Tuesday, Jan. 9, and craft & more on Tuesday, Jan. 23, at 2 p.m. All three are free but require registration. Call Brenda McGough at (979) 415-2600 to register, or for more information.
Clute’s senior program meets the third Tuesday of the month, which will be Jan. 16. There’s usually bingo or a program/speaker or both from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Lunch is included, but it will require prior registration - by the Thursday before the meeting date - which would be Jan. 11 this month.
RSVP by calling (979) 265-8392 or email Michele Parrish at
The center is located at 100 Parkview Dr.